
Spain Economic Snapshot

Economic Forecast Summary (November 2022)

Economic Outlook Note - Spain

Activity is projected to grow by 1.3% in 2023 and 1.7% in 2024, after increasing by 4.7% in 2022. High inflation will curb household purchasing power, but savings accumulated during the pandemic will support consumption. With deteriorating demand prospects and rising financing costs, private investment is expected to remain subdued. The slowdown in key trading partners will dent exports. Inflation will peak at 8.6% in 2022 and then decline to 4.8% in 2023 and 2024.


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Economic Survey of Spain - 27 May 2021

Executive Summary


Summary video

Key resources


Reform Priorities (April 2021)

Going for Growth 2021 - Spain

A strong, resilient and inclusive recovery from the COVID-19 crisis requires improving productivity growth, by boosting digitalisation, innovation, and investment in intangible capital. It also requires addressing long-standing structural problems in the labour markets, reinforced by the pandemic: high unemployment, insufficient skills, large regional variation and a large share of workers on non-regular contracts.

©Shutterstock/Anton Petrus

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2021 Structural Reform Priorities

  • Competition and regulation: Eliminate regulatory barriers that depend on the size of firms and barriers to operating across regions
  • R&D and digitalisation: Increase R&D spending to boost innovation and productivity growth
  • Education and skills: Improve basic skills and align them with labour market needs
  • Labour market: Improve activation policies and reduce the use of temporary contracts
  • Tax system: Improve the effectiveness of the tax system

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