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  • 18-October-2019


    OECD and European Commission join forces to further support structural reforms in European countries

    The OECD and the European Commission’s Structural Reform Support Service (SRSS) sealed a new agreement today in Paris that will see the OECD provide wide-ranging policy support to advance structural reforms in European countries.

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  • 9-May-2019


    OECD Secretary-General statement on Europe Day

    Today we celebrate Europe Day, marking the anniversary of the historical 'Schuman declaration'. Like the European Union and its institutions, the OECD is the offspring of a period that had witnessed the destruction of war and realised that co-operation across borders is the only way forward to create a better future.

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  • 6-May-2019

    French, PDF, 2,735kb

    The European Union: A People-Centered Agenda - An International Perspective

    There is a plethora of debates taking place at the moment, which tend to blur what the people of Europe have achieved since setting off on this journey over 60 years ago. There is an urgent need to concentrate beyond the noise to consider what Europe has delivered for its people and what place it has in the world economy today.

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  • 24-July-2018


    Building a stronger and more integrated Europe

    Europe’s economy is finally growing robustly. These positive developments provide an opportunity to renew efforts to meet the long-term challenges facing the European Union (EU).

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  • 19-June-2018


    Further reforms needed for a stronger and more integrated Europe

    The European economy is growing robustly, helped by accommodative monetary policy, mildly expansionary fiscal policy and the global acceleration. The current economic expansion should be used to speed up implementation of reforms to the euro area architecture and EU policies that would support greater European integration and ensure stronger, more inclusive long-term growth, according to two new reports from the OECD.

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  • 23-November-2016


    Mr. Angel Gurría, Secretary-General of the OECD, in Brussels on 23 November 2016

    The Secretary-General presented the OECD report "Health at a Glance: Europe 2016" alongside Mr. Vytenis Andriukitis, European Commissioner for Health and Food Safety.

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  • 31-October-2016


    OECD Secretary-General Angel Gurría welcomes the signature of the Canada-European Union Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA)

    “I congratulate Prime Minister of Canada Justin Trudeau, President of the European Council Donald Tusk, and President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker on the signature of the Canada-EU Comprehensive Economic Trade Agreement (CETA). The deal comes at a crucial time when slowing trade growth and low investment are contributing to the weakness of the global economy.

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  • 27-October-2016


    Labour mobility in the European Union: a need for more recognition of foreign qualifications

    Labour market mobility in the European Union is increasing, but it remains too low to provide sufficient adjustment in the face of diverging labour market developments.

  • 19-October-2016


    European Union: Ambassador, Permanent Representative to the OECD

    Biographical note of the European Commissions' Permanent Representative to the OECD.

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  • 27-July-2016


    Making public finances more growth and equity-friendly in the euro area

    To achieve a euro area fiscal stance that fosters the recovery, countries with fiscal space under the Stability and Growth Pact rules should use budgetary support to raise growth, and existing incentives and flexibility should be taken advantage of to pursue reforms of tax and spending policies.

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