
Corporate governance and corporate finance

Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises in Southern Africa


OECD Network on Corporate Governance of State-Owned Enterprises in Southern Africa


Boosting the performance of the SOE sector through improved governance arrangements can potentially lead to better economic and social outcomes in Southern Africa. 


The SOE Network for Southern African provides a forum for regional dialogue and co-operation. It is the first initiative of its kind to focus on SOE governance and mainly covers the member economies of the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC). The Network was launched in 2007 to support regional and national reformers in their efforts to improve the performance of SOEs. The Network achieves this through:

  • Raising awareness and building consensus on the challenges and the benefits associated with SOE governance
  • Benchmarking progress and and measuring change in participant countries
  • Influencing policy making and strengthening capacity by providing a forum in which policy makers, practitioners and experts can share knowledge and experiences
  • Supporting viable and effective reforms by analysing policy options, developing relevant recommendations and agreeing on regional reform priorities.

Annual meetings reinforce this process and dedicated regional taskforces work on specific recommendations for improvements in thematic areas.


Network participants are currently engaged in developing:

Guidelines on the governance of SOEs in Southern Africa

-  Company guidance on anti-corruption and corporate ethics

-  A white paper on the governance of SOEs in the infrastructure sector


More about the Network


Participating countries

Angola, Botswana, DR Congo, Kenya, Lesotho, Malawi, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Seychelles, South Africa, Swaziland, Tanzania, Zambia, Zimbabwe


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6th meeting, Victoria Falls, 24-25 Nov 2015

5th meeting, Lusaka, 26-27 Nov 2014

4th meeting, Swakopmund, 18-19 Nov 2013

3rd meeting, Midrand, 8-9 Oct 2012

2nd meeting, Mozambique, 27-28 May 2009

1st meeting, Capetown, 6-7 May 2008




Ethics and Business Integrity in Southern Africa: Handbook for Governments as Owners and State-owned Enterprises, 2016 (pdf)


Stocktaking of Anti-Corruption and Business Integrity Measures for Southern African SOEs, 2014


State-Owned Enterprise Governance: A Stocktaking of Reforms and Challenges in Southern Africa , 2014


Governance of SOEs in Southern Africa, 2014 (pdf)


Corporate governance of state-owned enterprises


Boards of directors of SOEs: An overview of national practices, 2013


Competitive Neutrality: Maintaining a level playing field between public and private business, 2012


Accountability and Transparency: a Guide for State Ownership, 2010


OECD Guidelines on Corporate Governance of SOEs



For further information, contact
Sara Sultan ([email protected])


Regularly participating institutions


- Ministry of Finance

- Institute for Supporting Public Sector Enterprise (Instituto de Apoio ao Sector Empresarial Publico, ISEP)


Public Enterprises Evaluation and Privatisation Agency (PEEPA)

DR Congo

- Ministry of Portfolio (Ministère du Portefeuille)

- Steering Committee for Reform of State Shareholding Enterprises (Comité de pilotage de la reforme des entreprises du portefeuille de l'état, COPIREP)


State Corporations Advisory Committee


Ministry of Finance and Development Planning


Department of Statutory Corporations


- Office of Public Sector Governance

- Ministry of Economic Development


State Shares Management Agency (O Instituto de Gestão das Participações do Estado, IGEPE)


- Ministry of Public Enterprises

- SOE Governance Council, Prime Minister’s Office


- Public Enterprise Monitoring Commission

- Ministry of Finance, Trade and Investment

South Africa

- Department of Public Enterprise

- National Treasury

- Department of Trade and Industry


Public Enterprise Unit, Ministry of Finance


Ministry of Finance


- Ministry of Commerce, Trade and Industry

- Ministry of Finance and National Planning

- Industrial Development Corporation

- Institute of Directors of Zambia


- Office of the President - State Enterprises Restructuring Agency




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